Salesfire & The Tonic Tribe

A customer-centric focus on driving revenue and building an email marketing channel


Increase in sales


Return on Investment


Were influenced by Salesfire to re-enter the sales pipeline


of interactions resulted in a sale

Introducing, The Tonic Tribe

The Tonic Tribe was originally established as a brick and mortar store. Born out of the sincere belief in the unique qualities of the product, a lack of quality product in the current marketplace and ultimately an unflinching desire to help others, the brand saw an explosion of growth. Founders of The Tonic, Kate Henderson and Michelle Oxley decided the time was right to strike out - and their industry-leading eCommerce store, The Tonic Tribe was born.

Due to the nature of the product and the current restrictions it brings in terms of paid search options, The Tonic Tribe worked alongside Salesfire to create a strategy that would ensure the system would make the most of any traffic brought to the site, in an organic and non-intrusive way.

Tonic Tribe Overlays Case Study

Implementing Salesfire

Ensuring that we were respectful and informed by the current lifestyle imagery of the brand, The Tonic Tribe worked alongside Salesfire to utilise the system in helping with customer retention, accelerating the expansion of their email marketing and encouraging new customers. The Tonic Tribe had noted the importance of their welcome offer to new customers, and agreed that capitalising on this would be beneficial to their overall goal of increasing the amount of revenue coming through the site. By implementing a welcome Overlay, restricted to new customers to the site, Salesfire helped influence a 34% increase in sales.

Tonic Tribe Salesfire Case Study

Maximising Conversions

The Tonic Tribe were keen to ensure any strategy was in keeping with the tone and style of the site. Salesfire managed this by precisely utilising our range of tools, with a focus on our Title Highlight Trigger. This trigger allows us to present an Overlay upon detection of a visitor copying key information from a page - a key indicator of price comparison and the increase in bounce rate that generally follows. As a result, 16% of interactions with Overlays resulted in a sale as well as a healthy reduction in drop-offs at this stage of the funnel.

"The strategy Salesfire have put in place has helped us ensure that we’re giving visitors every excuse to stay and purchase. We’re presenting our brand in the best possible light."